Final Project Idea
01 Nov 2022
This essay was collaboratively written by Gwyneth Raquepo, Destynee Fagaragan, and James Louie Grande.
Opportunity Board (James): Internships, Jobs, Events, etc. curated for you
- Problem: Too many irrelevant opportunities shared to you and are shared from many different sources (emails, discord, etc.)
- Solution: Have just one source of all the list of opportunities (for UH Manoa students) curated just for you.
- For your current year level (freshman, sophomore, junior, senior)
- For your major
- Sorted by date/deadlines
Mockup page ideas
- Landing page
- Profile
- Sign up/Sign in
- Events
- Jobs/Internships
- All opportunities (Home page)
- Share opportunities
Case ideas:
- New user goes to landing page, signs up, create a profile, and goes to home page
- Admin shares opportunities
- User shares opportunities (approved by admin)
- User logs in and finds upcoming opportunities
Beyond the basics:
Foodie Suggestions (Destynee): Suggesting your favorite local food around the island
- Problem: If you’re new on island you might not know where all the good local places to eat are
- Solution: Have an app where other students can suggest their favorite places to eat around the island
Mockup Page Ideas:
- Landing Page
- User Home Page (Can add favorites or places they want to try)
- User Profile Page (Shows their suggestions)
- Random place suggester (picks a random eatery)
Use case ideas
- New user goes to landing page, creates a log in, can start adding suggestions
- User goes to log in, can favorite or add suggestions
- User goes to log in, can choose randomizer
Beyond the basics
- Can rate suggestions that they tried
- Integrated map to show where each place is
Ask for Tutoring (Gwyneth)
- The Problem: Students who struggle in their classes may not know where/how to get help, they may not be able to attend the meeting hours with their professors or they might not have time to meet with their peers
- The Solution: Have a website where students can apply to become a tutor for certain class, and other students could sign up in their tutor sessions to get help from the classes that are listed
Mockup page Ideas:
- Sign-up/Login page: Apply as a tutor(approved by admin) or a student
- Home page explaining the website
- page for the different classes that are available for tutoring
- Profile page, shows what they tutor, what classes they’re in, what help they are seeking etc.
Use case ideas
- Creates a login as tutor/student
- Tutor: can add classes they can tutor for
- Student: can choose classes and sign up for tutoring
Beyond the basics
- Chat feature for tutor and student
- Rate tutors
- Paying tutors feature