Destynee Fagaragan


Software engineering , Graphic and Website Design , Cybersecurity , Photography


Languages and Frameworks: C, C++, Javascript, BASH, Verilog, Bootstrap 5, HTML/CSS, meteor.js

Toolsets/OS: MacOS, Git/GitHub, Windows, MATLab, Intellij IDEA


University of Hawaii, Honolulu, HI

B.S., Computer Engineering (Fall 2022)

  • EE160: Programming for Engineers
  • EE211: Basic Circuit Analysis I
  • EE213: Basic Circuit Analysis II
  • EE260: Introduction to Digital Design
  • EE296: Sophomore Project
  • EE205: Object Oriented Programming
  • EE315: Signal and System Analysis
  • EE324: Physical Electronics
  • EE361: Digital Systems and Computer Design
  • EE362: Discrete Math for Engineers
  • EE371: Engineering Electromagnetics I
  • EE323: Microelectronic Circuits I
  • EE342: Probability and Statistics
  • EE367: Data Structures and Algorithms
  • EE396: Junior Project
  • EE491F: Specific Topics in EE: Computer Software
  • EE422: Sensors and Instrumentation for Biological Systems
  • EE435: Electric Power Systems
  • EE468: Operating Systems
  • EE495: Ethics in Electrical Engineering
  • EE496: Senior Project
  • ICS314: Object Oriented Software Engineering

2018 - 2022


B+ Scholarship, State of Hawaii

Scholarships awarded to incoming freshmen and continuing students who complete a rigorous high school curriculum with a minimum overall GPA of 3.0 at a Hawai'i public school.



Available upon request